Friday, January 16, 2009

Learning to GPT

People have asked how to actually do surveys. I suggest you have 1 email per site and make sure it is NOT YOUR PERSONAL EMAIL. Also companies will recognize your email from another site so dont use the same one. The reason for this is because you will receive a lot of junk mail. Im going to give you a short tutorial.

1. Clear Cookies(Tools>Internet Options>Clear Cookies)
2.Select an offer

Obama Dog Survey
Register with valid information and complete the survey. Click at least two offers on the "Final Steps" page.
3.Enter Email Address
4.Enter Shipping Info
5.When that "last steps" page pops up keep going, the offer isnt over yet.
6.Keep pressing NO until you come up to the long list.
7.Press Yes on 1 and keep going.
8.Continue this until the End
9. The last page will have your shipping info right under the offer.
11. Exit out of the offer screen.
12. Submit

Once u get stared if u wanna get traffic to your page or blog. Go to